College Awareness Survey for Parents

This survey is designed for you to begin to think about the areas you know — or may not know — related to college expectations and readiness. There are just 10 yes or no questions below. If you are not sure, please select “no.”

Survey Questions

Do you have ongoing transitional plans after graduation?(Required)
Are you aware of the academic requirements of college?(Required)
Do you know the boundaries related to FERPA and HIPAA?(Required)
Do you know what accommodations will and will not apply in a college setting?(Required)
Are you aware of the steps required to receive and keep financial aid?(Required)
Are you aware of the traditional expenses and the unexpected expenses of a college education?(Required)
Do you know where your child is currently meeting or not meeting academic expectations in relation to college standards?(Required)
Does your student consistently practice independent living skills without prompting (waking up on time, getting ready, medication management, etc.)?(Required)
Do you know what additional support your child will need outside of the college?(Required)
Does your student understand their learning difference and can express their needs in relation to obtaining accommodations?(Required)

Want to chat?

We hope these questions got you thinking… Do you feel comfortable with all of these topics? We are here to help! Complete the remainder of this page to be connected with one of our expert transition-to-college counselors for a free consultation.

Alexander Morris-Wood

Associate Vice President of Transitions & the Student Experience

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